
20 ಉತ್ಪನ್ನಗಳು

  • VNR Krish F1 Hybrid Cucumber - 10 GM - Agriplex VNR Krish F1 Hybrid Cucumber - 10 GM

    VNR Seeds VNR Krish F1 Hybrid Cucumber - 10 GM

    First Harvest- 30-35 Days Seed Quantity Per Acre-0.180-0.250 kgs Sowing Distance Between Row and Ridges-4-6 Feet Sowing Distance Between Plants-1.5-2 Feet

  • Syngenta Glossy Cucumber Seeds - 25 GM Syngenta Glossy Cucumber Seeds

    Syngenta Syngenta Glossy Cucumber Seeds

    Syngenta Glossy Cucumber Seeds are a hybrid variety that offers a combination of desirable traits, making it a top choice for home gardeners and commercial growers alike.  Key Features:  High Yield: Produces a longer harvest window with consistently high yields, maximizing your crop output.  Uniform Appearance: Develops fruits with a uniform, attractive appearance, making them ideal for market sales.  Disease Resistance: Possesses good tolerance to foliar diseases, minimizing crop loss and reducing the need for fungicides.  Early Maturity: Reaches harvest maturity in just 42-45 days after sowing, allowing for quicker turnaround and potentially multiple harvests per season.  Bicolor Green: Features a visually appealing bicolor green color, making the cucumbers stand out visually.  Benefits:  Increased Profits: Potential for greater income due to high yields and attractive fruits that fetch premium prices.  Reduced Risks: Lower risk of crop loss from diseases thanks to built-in resistance.  Faster Harvest: Enjoy cucumbers sooner with the early maturity trait, potentially leading to more harvests throughout the season.  Market Appeal: Uniform and visually appealing fruits that are likely to attract buyers and command higher prices.  Simplified Management: Reduced need for fungicide applications due to disease tolerance, potentially saving time and money.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Syngenta Glossy Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Syngenta Glossy Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Syngenta Glossy Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Syngenta Glossy Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Syngenta Glossy Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Syngenta Glossy Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Syngenta Glossy Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Syngenta Glossy Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Syngenta Glossy Cucumber in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Nunhems Cucumber Belle - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Cucumber Belle - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Cucumber Belle - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Belle Cucumber seeds are a high-yielding, hybrid cucumber variety that is perfect for commercial and home gardens. It is a French word that means "beautiful lady," and it lives up to its name with its slender, straight fruits that are up to 12 inches long. The fruits have a smooth, glossy skin and a crisp, refreshing  Key Features:   High Yield: Belle Cucumber produces a prolific amount of dark green, cylindrical cucumbers, reaching lengths of 18-22 cm.  Early Maturity: Ready to harvest in just 40-42 days after planting, making it a great choice for short growing seasons.  Disease Resistance: Resistant to several common cucumber diseases, including downy mildew, powdery mildew, and cucumber mosaic virus.  Excellent Shelf Life: Maintains its fresh appearance and firmness for extended periods after harvest, ideal for market growers.  Attractive Appearance: Deep green skin with a smooth finish, making it visually appealing for consumers.  Moderate Vigor: Compact vines suitable for both field and greenhouse production.    Benefits:   Increased Profitability: High yields and disease resistance lead to greater profits for farmers.  Reduced Risk: Disease resistance provides peace of mind and reduces the need for chemical pest control.  Early Harvest: Quick turnaround time allows for multiple plantings or other crops within the same season.  Improved Marketability: Attractive appearance and extended shelf life make Belle cucumbers more desirable to consumers.  Versatility: Suitable for various culinary uses, including salads, sandwiches, pickling, and fresh eating.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems Belle cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Belle cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Nunhems Belle cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Nunhems Belle seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Belle seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems Belle cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems Belle cucumbers typically require more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems Belle cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Belle cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Known You Ruchita Cucumber Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex Known You Ruchita Cucumber Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex

    Known You Known You Ruchita Cucumber Seeds - 10 GM

    Known You Ruchita seeds are vigorous plant bursts with predominantly female flowers, ensuring an abundant harvest of 17.5cm (about twice the length of the long edge of a credit card) long, thin-skinned cukes.   Key Features:  High Yield: The Ruchita variety is known for its vigorous growth and ability to bear predominantly female flowers, leading to abundant fruit production.  Compact Size: The fruits are medium-sized, measuring around 17.5 cm long and 2.8 cm in diameter, making them ideal for single servings or snacking.  Thin Skin: The thin, crisp skin enhances the eating experience and reduces waste.  Crisp Flesh: The Ruchita cucumber boasts crisp, moist flesh, perfect for salads, sandwiches, or enjoyed fresh.  Disease Resistance: This variety exhibits some resistance to common cucumber diseases, potentially reducing the need for pesticides.  Multipurpose: Enjoy fresh Ruchita cucumbers, in salads, cooked dishes, or even pickled.  Seasonality: Primarily suited for planting in late Kharif (monsoon) or early summer seasons.  Benefits:  Increased Harvest: Experience a higher yield of cucumbers compared to other varieties.  Convenient Size: The manageable size is perfect for individual consumption or smaller recipes.  Enhanced Eating Experience: Enjoy the delicious taste and texture thanks to the thin skin and crisp flesh.  Versatility: Utilize the Ruchita cucumber in various culinary applications.  Reduced Maintenance: Potential for less need for disease control measures.  Seasonal Fit: Plant your Ruchita cucumber seeds during the optimal season for success.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Known You Ruchita Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Known You Ruchita Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Known You Ruchita Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Known You Ruchita Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Known You Ruchita Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Known You Ruchita Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Known You Ruchita Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Known You Ruchita Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Known You Ruchita Cucumber in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Nunhems Don Hybrid Cucumber - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Don Hybrid Cucumber - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Don Hybrid Cucumber - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Don is a high-yielding, hybrid cucumber variety that is resistant to downy mildew (DM). It is a good choice for both commercial and home growers.  Benefits:   For Commercial Growers:  Profitable: Nunhems Don cucumber seeds have high yields, early maturity, and disease resistance translates to increased income.  Market-Ready: Attractive appearance and excellent flavor ensure high demand.  Reduced Waste: Disease resistance and strong fruits minimize losses.  Flexible: Adaptability to various conditions allows for wider market reach.  For Home Gardeners:  Easy to Grow: Fast maturity and adaptability make it perfect for beginner and experienced gardeners.  Abundant Harvest: Enjoy fresh cucumbers regularly throughout the season.  Versatile: Delicious in various dishes and perfect for snacking.  Disease Resistance: Minimizes the need for chemical treatments.  Additional Advantages:  Parthenocarpic: Doesn't require pollination for fruit set, simplifying cultivation.  Trellis-Friendly: Grows well on support, improving fruit quality and ease of harvest.  Extended Shelf Life: Maintains freshness for longer, reducing post-harvest losses.  Key Features:   High-yielding: Produces abundant fruits (up to 400 per plant) thanks to strong plant vigor and multiple fruit sets per node.  Fast Maturing: Ready to harvest in just 42-45 days (about 1 and a half months), ideal for maximizing your growing season.  Disease Resistant: Possesses intermediate resistance to downy mildew, a common cucumber threat.  Cylindrical Shape: Nunhems Don cucumber seeds Produce attractive, uniform fruits with a deep green color, perfect for market appeal.  Excellent Flavor: Crisp and refreshing with a balanced sweetness, ideal for salads, wraps, or snacking.  Adaptable: Thrives in diverse climates and soil conditions, from open fields to polyhouses.  Vigorous Plant:  cucumber seeds Offer good ground cover and potential for vertical gardening.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems Don cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Don cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Nunhems Don cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep—place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Don seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems Don cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems Don cucumbers typically require more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems Don cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Don cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Rijk Zwaan Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS

    Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber hybrid seeds produce vigorous plants that resist common diseases, making them ideal for home gardeners and commercial growers alike. Order your Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber Seeds today and start enjoying fresh, homegrown cucumbers in no time!   Key Features:  High yields: Multistar RZ F1 is a high-yielding cucumber variety that can produce up to 2-3 fruits per plant under ideal conditions.  Disease resistance: This variety is resistant to a number of common cucumber diseases, including powdery mildew, downy mildew, and anthracnose.  Early maturity: Multistar RZ F1 matures in about 50-55 days after planting, which is earlier than many other cucumber varieties.  Excellent fruit quality: The cucumbers are dark green, shiny, and have a crisp, delicious flavor. They are perfect for slicing, salads, and pickling.  Open plant type: The open plant type allows for good air circulation and light penetration, which can help to reduce the risk of disease.  Suitable for protected cultivation: Multistar RZ F1 can be grown in greenhouses, tunnels, or other protected environments.  Benefits:  Increased profits: The high yields and disease resistance of Multistar RZ F1 can help growers to increase their profits.  Reduced risk of crop failure: The disease resistance of this variety can help to reduce the risk of crop failure.  Earlier harvest: The early maturity of Multistar RZ F1 means that growers can get their cucumbers to market sooner.  High-quality product: The excellent fruit quality of this variety will appeal to consumers and help growers to get a premium price for their cucumbers.  Less maintenance: The open plant type of Multistar RZ F1 requires less maintenance than other cucumber varieties.  Year-round production: Multistar RZ F1 can be grown year-round in protected environments.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Multistar RZ F1 Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Multistar RZ F1 Cucumber in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Esha Pallavi Cucumber Seeds - 25GM - Agriplex Esha Pallavi Cucumber Seeds - 25GM

    PHS Seeds Esha Pallavi Cucumber Seeds - 25GM

    Esha Pallavi Cucumber Seeds are a high-yielding variety perfect for home gardeners looking for delicious, crunchy cucumbers. These F1 hybrid seeds produce vigorous plants that bear abundantly throughout the season, offering a reliable source of fresh, homegrown vegetables.  Key Features:  High Yielding: Produces abundant, long (18-22 cm) and cylindrical cucumbers, weighing 130-180 grams (about half the weight of a large grapefruit) each.  Disease Resistant: Possesses resistance to common cucumber diseases, leading to healthier plants and higher yields.  Early Maturing: Ready to harvest in just 50-55 days (about 2 months) after sowing, allowing for multiple harvests in a season.  Excellent Shelf Life: Cucumbers stay fresh longer after harvest, minimizing spoilage and waste.  Adaptable: Can be grown in both Kharif (summer monsoon) and summer seasons, offering flexibility in planting times.  Benefits:  Increased Profits: High yields and disease resistance translate to more cucumbers to sell and higher profits for farmers.  Reduced Risk: Disease resistance minimizes potential losses from cucumber diseases, providing peace of mind.  Faster Returns: Early maturity allows for quicker harvests and potentially more income generation throughout the season.  Less Waste: Longer shelf life means less spoilage and reduced waste, maximizing the value of your harvest.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Esha Pallavi Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Esha Pallavi Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Esha Pallavi Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Esha Pallavi Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Esha Pallavi Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Esha Pallavi Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Esha Pallavi Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Esha Pallavi Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Esha Pallavi cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture.

  • SUNGRO Sedona Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex SUNGRO Sedona Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex

    Sungro Seeds SUNGRO Sedona Seeds - 10 GM

    This high-yielding strong climber delivers its first marketable produce within a span of 50 days. The green fruit with light green stripes weighs an average of 180-220 gm.   Fruit Colour: Green Fruit Length: 15 - 20 cm Fruit Weight: 180 - 220gm Fruit Shape: Cylindrical Maturity: 45 - 50 days

  • Known You Rucha Cucumber Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex Known You Rucha Cucumber Seeds - 10 GM - Agriplex

    Known You Known You Rucha Cucumber Seeds - 10 GM

    Known You Rucha seeds are vigorous plant bursts with predominantly female flowers, ensuring an abundant harvest of 17.5cm (about twice the length of the long edge of a credit card) long, thin-skinned cukes.   Key Features:  High Yield: The Rucha variety is known for its vigorous growth and ability to bear predominantly female flowers, leading to abundant fruit production.  Compact Size: The fruits are medium-sized, measuring around 17.5 cm long and 2.8 cm in diameter, making them ideal for single servings or snacking.  Thin Skin: The thin, crisp skin enhances the eating experience and reduces waste.  Crisp Flesh: The Rucha cucumber boasts crisp, moist flesh, perfect for salads, sandwiches, or enjoyed fresh.  Disease Resistance: This variety exhibits some resistance to common cucumber diseases, potentially reducing the need for pesticides.  Multipurpose: Enjoy fresh Rucha cucumbers, in salads, cooked dishes, or even pickled.  Seasonality: Primarily suited for planting in late Kharif (monsoon) or early summer seasons.  Benefits:  Increased Harvest: Experience a higher yield of cucumbers compared to other varieties.  Convenient Size: The manageable size is perfect for individual consumption or smaller recipes.  Enhanced Eating Experience: Enjoy the delicious taste and texture thanks to the thin skin and crisp flesh.  Versatility: Utilize the Rucha cucumber in various culinary applications.  Reduced Maintenance: Potential for less need for disease control measures.  Seasonal Fit: Plant your Rucha cucumber seeds during the optimal season for success.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Known You Rucha Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Known You Rucha Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Known You Rucha Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Known You Rucha Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Known You Rucha Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Known You Rucha Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Known You Rucha Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Known You Rucha Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Known You Rucha Cucumber in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Sarpan Hybrid Cucumber Seeds - 50 GM - Agriplex Sarpan Hybrid Cucumber Seeds - 50 GM

    Sarpan Seeds Sarpan Hybrid Cucumber Seeds - 50 GM

    Fruit is 25-30 cm long. Uniform, cylindrical & light green glossy. High yielding hybrid. Good resistance to diseases.

  • FITO Mini Wonder Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex
  • Nunhems Cucumber Seegreen - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Cucumber Seegreen - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Cucumber Seegreen - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers is a hybrid cucumber variety that is known for its high yield, long shelf life, and excellent quality. They have a mild flavor and are perfect for salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.  Key Features:   Compact size: Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers are ideal for urban gardens and small spaces. They typically grow to a length of 14-16 cm (5.5-6.3 inches), making them perfect for salads, sandwiches, and snacking.  High yield: These plants are prolific producers, known for delivering multiple pickings throughout the season.  They can withstand 3-4 more picking cycles than some competitors.  Disease resistance: Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers have moderate resistance to common diseases like Corynespora cassiicola, Cladosporium cucumerinum, and Cucumber Mosaic Virus. This makes them a reliable choice for growers in both tropical and temperate climates.  Attractive appearance: Seegreen cucumbers have a deep green color and a smooth, cylindrical shape. This makes them visually appealing and perfect for markets and restaurants.  Crispness retention: These cucumbers stay crisp and fresh for longer than many other varieties, making them ideal for home cooks and grocery stores.   Benefits:   Save space: Seegreen's compact size makes them ideal for container gardening and vertical gardening systems.  Enjoy fresh cucumbers all season long: The high yield and multiple picking cycles ensure a steady supply of fresh cucumbers throughout the growing season.  Reduce pesticide use: Disease resistance helps to reduce the need for chemical pesticides.  Boost your profits: The attractive appearance and long shelf life make Seegreen cucumbers a popular choice for markets and restaurants, potentially increasing profits for growers.  Enjoy delicious flavor: Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers are known for their crisp texture and refreshing flavor, making them a perfect addition to any salad or dish.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Nunhems Seegreen seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep—place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Seegreen seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Seegreen cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Nunhems Cucumber US 800 - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Cucumber US 800 - 1000SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Cucumber US 800 - 1000SEEDS

    Nunhems US 800 Cucumber is a hybrid cucumber variety that is known for its high yield, long shelf life, and excellent quality. It is a light green cucumber with smooth skin and tender flesh. The fruits are about 14-16 centimeters (about 6.3 in) long and 3.5-4 centimeters (about 1.57 in) wide. They have a mild flavor and are perfect for salads, sandwiches, and other dishes.  Benefits:   Disease Resistance and Adaptability:  Robust and Resilient: Thrives in diverse climates and soil conditions, perfect for beginners and seasoned gardeners alike.  Disease Fighter: Nunhems US 800 cucumber seeds offer intermediate resistance to powdery and downy mildew for a healthier crop.  Open Field & Polyhouse Champion: Performs well in both indoor and outdoor settings, offering growing flexibility.  Flavor and Culinary Versatility:  Mildly Sweet Delight: Crisp and refreshing taste that elevates salads, sandwiches, and crudités.  Culinary All-Star: Ideal for fresh eating, pickling, and even juicing.  Seedless Convenience: Enjoy cucumbers with minimal waste and easier preparation.  Key Features:   High Yield and Market Perfection:  Prolific Producer: Expect harvests of 14-16 cm long, 3.5-4 cm wide cucumbers, with 2-3 fruits per node on the main stem.  Fast Maturing: Ready to pick in just 55-60 days, maximizing your growing season.  Flawless Appearance: Light green, smooth skin and tender flesh make US 800 a supermarket star.  Long Shelf Life: Maintains freshness for extended periods, reducing waste and increasing profit.    Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems US 800 cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems US 800 cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Nunhems US 800 cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems US 800 seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Nunhems US 800 cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Nunhems US 800 cucumbers typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Nunhems US 800 cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems US 800 cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Nunhems Kian Cucumber - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex Nunhems Kian Cucumber - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Nunhems Nunhems Kian Cucumber - 1000 SEEDS

    Nunhems Kian cucumber seeds is a parthenocarpic beit alpha hybrid seeds perfect for both open fields and greenhouses. This high-yielding variety will have you slicing up garden-fresh goodness all season long!   Benefits:  High yielding: Nunhems Kian cucumber seeds produce up to 300 fruits per plant, thanks to parthenocarpic (no pollination needed) and multi-fruiting qualities.  Fast maturing: Ready to harvest in just 42-45 days (about 1 and a half months), maximizing your growing season.  Reduced waste: Seedless cucumbers mean less waste and higher profits.  Extended shelf life: Maintains freshness for longer, minimizing losses and maximizing market value.  Nunhems Kian is suitable for both open fields and polyhouses, offering flexibility for various setups.  Its vigorous plant offers excellent coverage and potential for vertical gardening.  Key Features:  Parthenocarpic: Sets fruit without pollination, producing abundant harvests of 2-3 cucumbers per node.  Early Maturing: Reaches harvest in just 42-45 days (about 1 and a half months), maximizing your growing season and profits.  Extended Shelf Life: Maintains freshness for longer, minimizing losses and maximizing market value.  Thrives in Diverse Conditions: Performs well in both open fields and polyhouses, making it suitable for various climates and soil types.    Land Preparation:     Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.  Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.  Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.  Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.  Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.  Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Nunhems Kian cucumber seeds.  Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.  Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Nunhems Kian cucumbers.   Sowing    When sowing the Nunhems Kian cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:  Direct Sowing:  Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.  Timing: Sow Nunhems Kian seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.  Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.  Starting Seeds Indoors:  Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.  Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.  Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.   Transplanting:     Preparing the Soil:  Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.  Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.  Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Nunhems Kian cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).  Transplanting Technique:  Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.  Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.  Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.  Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.  Aftercare:  Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.  Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.  Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.  Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.  Harvesting:    Pickling Nunhems Kian cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy and the blossom end should be closed.  Slicing Nunhems Kian cucumbers typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.  Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.  Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.  Avoid harvesting cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.  Storage:    Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Nunhems Kian cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.  Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.  Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • FITO Zoya Cucumber Seeds - 300 SEEDS - Agriplex FITO Zoya Cucumber Seeds - 300 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Fito Seeds FITO Zoya Cucumber Seeds - 300 SEEDS

    FITO Zoya is a popular hybrid cucumber variety known for its high yield, excellent taste, and disease resistance. It produces smooth, dark green fruits with a crisp, sweet flavor. With 800 seeds in each pack, these Zoya Cucumbers are sure to provide an abundant harvest.  Key Features:   High Yield: FITO Zoya is a prolific variety that produces an abundance of long, slender cucumbers. You can expect up to 30-40 fruits per plant!  Disease Resistance: It is resistant to several common cucumber diseases, such as powdery mildew, downy mildew, and anthracnose. This makes it a reliable choice for even novice gardeners.  Early Maturity: It matures quickly, reaching harvest in just 50-55 days from planting. This means you can enjoy fresh cucumbers all summer long.  Excellent Taste: FITO Zoya cucumbers have a crisp, refreshing taste with a hint of sweetness. They are perfect for eating fresh salads, and pickling.  Adaptability: It is a versatile variety that thrives in a wide range of climates and soil conditions.    Benefits:   Fresh, delicious cucumbers: Enjoy the taste of homegrown cucumbers all summer long.  Save money on groceries: Growing your cucumbers can save you money at the grocery store.  Healthy eating: Cucumbers are a low-calorie, nutrient-rich food that is good for your heart, skin, and digestion.  Gardening fun: Gardening is a rewarding hobby that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.  Sustainable food production: Growing your food is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and support sustainable agriculture.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for FITO Zoya Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for FITO Zoya Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the FITO Zoya Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow FITO Zoya Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling FITO Zoya Cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing FITO Zoya Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting FITO Zoya cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual FITO Zoya cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Shinefit RZ F1 Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex Shinefit RZ F1 Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Rijk Zwaan Shinefit RZ F1 Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS

    Shinefit RZ F1 Hybrid Seeds is a high-yielding variety from Rijk Zwaan and popular choice for home gardeners and small-scale farmers & enjoy effortless harvests and delicious results!  Key Features:  F1 Hybrid: Ensures uniformity in plant size, fruit shape, and maturity, making them ideal for commercial growers.  Open plant with small leaves: Allows for better air circulation and light penetration, reducing the risk of diseases.  Cluster bearing: Produces fruits in groups, leading to higher yields per plant.  Small, creamy white fruits (8-11 cm): Perfect for snacking and salads due to their delicate flavor and bite-sized nature.  High yielding: Produces a large quantity of cucumbers per plant.  Benefits:  Increased profitability: High yields and disease resistance translate to more marketable cucumbers and potentially higher profits for growers.  Improved fruit quality: Consistent size, shape, and color make them visually appealing to consumers.  Disease resistance: F1 hybrid nature offers some resistance to common cucumber diseases.  Space-efficient: Open plant structure allows for closer planting, maximizing yield potential per unit area.  Versatility: Suitable for both fresh market and home garden use.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Shinefit RZ Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Shinefit RZ Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Shinefit RZ Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Shinefit RZ Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Shinefit RZ Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Shinefit RZ Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Shinefit RZ Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Shinefit RZ Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Shinefit RZ Cucumber in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Cengel RZ F1 (22-193) Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex Cengel RZ F1 (22-193) Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Rijk Zwaan Cengel RZ F1 (22-193) Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS

    Cengel RZ F1 Hybrid Seeds is a high-yielding variety from Rijk Zwaan and popular choice for home gardeners and small-scale farmers & enjoy effortless harvests and delicious results!  Key Features:  F1 Hybrid: Ensures uniformity in plant size, fruit shape, and maturity, making them ideal for commercial growers.  Open plant with small leaves: Allows for better air circulation and light penetration, reducing the risk of diseases.  Cluster bearing: Produces fruits in groups, leading to higher yields per plant.  Small, creamy white fruits (8-11 cm): Perfect for snacking and salads due to their delicate flavor and bite-sized nature.  High yielding: Produces a large quantity of cucumbers per plant.  Benefits:  Increased profitability: High yields and disease resistance translate to more marketable cucumbers and potentially higher profits for growers.  Improved fruit quality: Consistent size, shape, and color make them visually appealing to consumers.  Disease resistance: F1 hybrid nature offers some resistance to common cucumber diseases.  Space-efficient: Open plant structure allows for closer planting, maximizing yield potential per unit area.  Versatility: Suitable for both fresh market and home garden use.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Cengel RZ Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Cengel RZ Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Cengel RZ Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Cengel RZ Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Cengel RZ Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Cengel RZ Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Cengel RZ Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Cengel RZ Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Cengel RZ Cucumber in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Captainstar RZ F1 Hybrid (22-240) - Mini Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex Captainstar RZ F1 Hybrid (22-240) - Mini Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS - Agriplex

    Rijk Zwaan Captainstar RZ F1 Hybrid (22-240) - Mini Cucumber Seeds - 1000 SEEDS

    Captainstar RZ F1 hybrid seeds deliver high yields of sweet, tender mini cucumbers ideal for summer and early autumn. Strong vines boast excellent disease resistance, making them perfect for both polyhouse and net house growing. Enjoy effortless harvests and delicious results!  Key Features:  F1 Hybrid: This ensures uniformity in plant growth, fruit size, and disease resistance.  Mini Cucumber: Produces compact, bite-sized cucumbers (15-16 cm long) ideal for salads, snacking, and pickling.  Strong Open Plant: Promotes good air circulation, reducing the risk of fungal diseases.  Short internodes and less side shoot development: Requires less pruning and maintenance.  Good fruit setting: Produces 2-3 fruits per node, maximizing yield potential.  Suitable for summer and early autumn cultivation: Thrives in warm climates under protected cultivation (playhouses and nethouses).  Benefits:  High yields: Consistent fruit production due to strong plant structure and good fruit setting.  Low maintenance: Requires less pruning and side shoot management compared to other cucumber varieties.  Disease resistance: F1 hybrid nature offers inherent resistance to common cucumber diseases.  Early maturity: Reaches harvest stage quickly, allowing for multiple plantings throughout the season.  Excellent marketability: Attractive, uniform fruit size and shape are ideal for fresh market sales.  Space-efficient: Compact vines and small fruits make them suitable for smaller gardens and container growing.  Versatility: Enjoy fresh, pickled, or sliced in salads and sandwiches.     Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Captainstar RZ Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Captainstar RZ Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Captainstar RZ Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Captainstar RZ Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Captainstar RZ Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Captainstar RZ Cucumber are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Captainstar RZ Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Captainstar RZ Cucumber in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Captainstar RZ Cucumber in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Sarpan Cucumber Gulgai (99 Seeds) - 50 GM - Agriplex Sarpan Cucumber Gulgai - 99 Seeds - 50 GM

    Sarpan Seeds Sarpan Cucumber Gulgai (99 Seeds) - 50 GM

    Sarpan Gulgai Cucumber seeds, are the perfect choice for growing high-yielding, delicious cucumbers, making it a top choice for home gardeners and commercial growers alike.  Key Features:  High yield: These hybrid seeds produce many cucumbers per plant, making them ideal for commercial growers and home gardeners.  Compact size: The cucumbers are small and round, with a diameter of around 3-4 cm, making them perfect for stuffing and pickling.  Dark green stripes: The attractive dark green stripes with a glossy finish enhance the visual appeal of the cucumbers.  Excellent shelf life: The cucumbers have a longer shelf life compared to many other varieties, thanks to their firm flesh and resistance to diseases.  Spiny: The skin of the cucumber has small spines, which may offer some protection against pests and diseases.  Benefits:  Increased profitability: These cucumbers' high yield and long shelf life can lead to increased profits for growers.  Versatility: The small size and attractive appearance make them suitable for various culinary uses, from salads and raitas to pickles and dips.  Reduced waste: The longer shelf life can help to reduce food waste, both at home and in commercial settings.  Disease resistance: The spiny skin and potential disease resistance can lead to reduced need for pesticides, making them a more sustainable choice.  Easy to grow: These cucumbers are known for being relatively easy to grow, even for beginner gardeners.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at a rate of 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for these Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Sarpan Gulgai Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Sarpan Gulgai Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to Sarpan Gulgai cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Sarpan Gulgai Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Sarpan Gulgai Cucumbers are usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Sarpan Gulgai Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Sarpan Gulgai cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Sarpan Gulgai cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

  • Sagar Cucumber Shravani Seeds - 25GM - Agriplex Sagar Cucumber Shravani Seeds - 25GM

    Sagar Seeds Sagar Cucumber Shravani Seeds - 25GM

    Sagar Shravani Cucumber Seeds are a high-yielding variety perfect for home gardeners looking for delicious, crunchy cucumbers. These F1 hybrid seeds produce vigorous plants that bear abundantly throughout the season, offering a reliable source of fresh, homegrown vegetables.  Key Features:  High Yielding: Produces abundant, long (18-22 cm) and cylindrical cucumbers, weighing 130-180 grams (about half the weight of a large grapefruit) each.  Disease Resistant: Possesses resistance to common cucumber diseases, leading to healthier plants and higher yields.  Early Maturing: Ready to harvest in just 50-55 days (about 2 months) after sowing, allowing for multiple harvests in a season.  Excellent Shelf Life: Cucumbers stay fresh longer after harvest, minimizing spoilage and waste.  Adaptable: Can be grown in both Kharif (summer monsoon) and summer seasons, offering flexibility in planting times.  Benefits:  Increased Profits: High yields and disease resistance translate to more cucumbers to sell and higher profits for farmers.  Reduced Risk: Disease resistance minimizes potential losses from cucumber diseases, providing peace of mind.  Faster Returns: Early maturity allows for quicker harvests and potentially more income generation throughout the season.  Less Waste: Longer shelf life means less spoilage and reduced waste, maximizing the value of your harvest.      Land Preparation:      Loosen the Soil: Break up the ground 20-25 cm (about 9.84 in) deep using a spade, rototiller, or tractor. This aeration improves drainage, facilitates root growth, and incorporates organic matter.   Strike the Right Balance: Cucumbers thrive in slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6.0-7.0. Test your soil's pH and adjust accordingly. Use lime to raise pH and elemental sulfur to lower it.   Organic Boost: Enrich the soil with well-rotted manure or compost at a rate of 2-4 kg/m². This increases organic matter content, enhances drainage, and provides essential nutrients.   Fertilizing for Success: Consider adding a balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 NPK at 1 kg/100 m (about 328.08 ft) ² before planting. This provides additional nutrients for optimal growth.   Create Mounds: Build raised beds 15-30 cm (about 11.81 in) high using a mixture of soil, compost, and aged manure. Ensure good drainage holes are present.   Refine the Surface: Rake the soil to a fine tilth, removing any large clods or debris. This creates a smooth and welcoming environment for Sagar Shravani Cucumber seeds.   Furrows or Hills: Depending on your planting method, form planting hills or furrows. Ensure proper drainage by making them slightly elevated.   Mulch Magic: Cover the prepared bed with a thin layer of mulch (straw, hay, or wood chips). This suppresses weeds, retains moisture, and regulates soil temperature, creating a favorable microclimate for Sagar Shravani Cucumbers.    Sowing     When sowing the Sagar Shravani Cucumber crop, the process depends on several factors, including your climate, preferred method, and variety. Here's a breakdown of the two main options:   Direct Sowing:   Suitable for: Warmer climates with consistent soil temperatures above 68°F (20°C) after the last frost.   Timing: Sow Sagar Shravani Cucumber seeds directly outdoors when the soil has warmed sufficiently, typically late spring or early summer. Ensure no risk of frost remains.   Method: Make planting holes or furrows about 1 inch deep and spaced according to cucumber seeds (typically 12-18 inches apart). Sow 2-3 seeds per hole and cover lightly with soil. Water gently.   Starting Seeds Indoors:   Suitable for: Colder climates or early harvests.   Timing: Start seeds indoors 4-6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) before the last frost date.   Method: Use individual pots or seed trays filled with seed starting mix. Sow 1-2 seeds per pot, 1/2 inch deep. Place in a warm location (70-80°F) with bright light. Water regularly keeps the soil moist but not soggy. Once seedlings have developed true leaves, thin to one strongest plant per pot. Harden off seedlings for a week before transplanting outdoors when soil temperatures are warm, and all risk of frost has passed.    Transplanting:      Preparing the Soil:   Choose a sunny location with well-drained soil.   Amend the soil with organic matter like compost or aged manure to improve drainage and nutrient content.   Dig planting holes twice the diameter of the seedling pots, spaced according to Sagar Shravani Cucumber seedlings (typically 12-18 inches apart).   Transplanting Technique:   Gently remove seedlings from pots without disturbing the roots.   Place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth it was in the pot.   Fill the hole with soil and gently firm it around the base of the plant.   Water generously settles the soil and eliminates air pockets.   Aftercare:   Water regularly, especially during hot weather, to keep the soil moist but not soggy.   Mulch around the plants to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature.   Provide support for vining varieties using poles, trellises, or netting.   Monitor pests and diseases and take appropriate action if necessary.   Harvesting:     Pickling Sagar Shravani Cucumber is usually harvested earlier than slicing varieties when they are smaller and firmer. Their skin should be bumpy, and the blossom end should be closed.   Slicing Sagar Shravani Cucumber typically requires more time to reach full size and have smoother skin with an open blossom end.   Use sharp pruners or a knife to cut the cucumber stem, leaving about 1 inch of stem attached to the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting, as this can damage the plant.   Harvest cucumbers regularly, ideally every 1-2 days, to encourage continuous fruit production.   Avoid harvesting Sagar Shravani cucumbers in the heat of the day, as they may be wilted or sunburned. Early morning or evening are ideal times.   Storage:     Crisper drawer: This is the best place for most cucumbers. Wrap individual Sagar Shravani cucumbers in a damp paper towel or place them in a breathable container to maintain moisture but prevent sweating. Avoid plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and accelerate spoiling.   Zip-top bags: For longer storage (up to 1-2 weeks), place each cucumber in a separate zip-top bag with a metal spoon inside. The spoon absorbs ethylene gas, which hastens ripening. Remove any condensation that forms in the bag.   Cool pantry: If your pantry stays cool and dark, you can store unwashed cucumbers there for a few days. Place them on a paper towel to absorb any excess moisture. 

Cucumber - Agriplex
  • Cucumber seeds are small, white, and elliptical in shape. They are about 1-2 mm in length and 0.5-1 mm in width. 
  • They have a hard, smooth outer shell that protects the embryo inside. 
  • The embryo is made up of the radicle (root), the hypocotyl (stem), and the cotyledons (seed leaves). 
  • It is dormant when they are first harvested, but they can be germinated by exposing them to warm, moist conditions. 
  • The germination rate of cucumber seeds is typically high, around 90%. 
  • It can be planted directly in the garden or started indoors in pots. 
  • They need full sun and well-drained soil. 
  • It will germinate in about 7-10 days. 
  • Once the seedlings have emerged, they should be thinned to about 12 inches apart. 
  • Cucumbers are a warm-season crop and need temperatures of at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit to germinate. 
  • They are also susceptible to pests and diseases, so it is important to take preventive measures. 

Best cucumber varieties are a good source of nutrients, including protein, fiber, and vitamins A and C. They can also be used to make cucumber oil, which has a number of health benefits. 

Here are some of the best cucumber varieties, without mentioning any products: 

  • Burpless cucumber: This variety is known for its smooth skin and mild flavor. It is also relatively low in calories and fat, making it a healthy choice. Burpless cucumbers are a good option for people who are sensitive to cucumbers' high levels of cucurbitacins, which can cause bloating and gas. 
  • English cucumber: This variety is also known as "hothouse cucumber" or "slicing cucumber." It is longer and thinner than other cucumbers, with a smooth, dark green skin. English cucumbers have a mild flavor and are often used in salads and sandwiches. 
  • Lemon cucumber: This variety has a yellow skin and a mild, refreshing flavor. It is a good choice for people who are looking for a cucumber with a different taste. Lemon cucumbers are also a good source of vitamins C and K. 
  • Pickling cucumber: This variety is small and has a thick skin. It is a good choice for pickling, as it will not become mushy during the pickling process. Pickling cucumbers are also a good source of vitamins A and C. 
  • Slicing cucumber: This variety is similar to the English cucumber, but it is slightly larger and has a thicker skin. Slicing cucumbers are a good choice for salads, sandwiches, and other dishes where the cucumber's texture is important. 

When choosing a cucumber variety, it is important to consider the climate in your area, the purpose for which you will be using the cucumbers, and your personal preferences. 

Here are some additional tips for choosing and growing cucumbers: 

  • Best cucumber varieties that is suited to the climate in your area. Cucumbers are a warm-season crop and will not thrive in cold weather. 
  • Plant cucumbers in full sun. They need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day. 
  • Cucumbers prefer well-drained soil. Amend the soil with compost or manure before planting. 
  • Water cucumbers regularly, especially during hot weather. 
  • Fertilize cucumbers every 2-3 weeks with a balanced fertilizer. 
  • Harvest cucumbers when they are young and tender. Overripe cucumbers will be bitter. 

With a little care, you can enjoy fresh cucumbers from your garden all summer long. 

  • The variety of cucumber. There are many different varieties of cucumbers, each with its own unique flavor, size, and shape. Some popular varieties include slicing cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, and burpless cucumbers. 
  • The germination rate. This is the percentage of seeds that are expected to germinate. A high germination rate is important for ensuring a successful harvest. 
  • The days to maturity. This is the number of days it takes for the cucumber plants to produce cucumbers. 
  • The growing conditions. Cucumbers need full sun and well-drained soil. They are also susceptible to pests and diseases, so it is important to choose a variety that is resistant to these problems. 
  • The plant size. Cucumber plants can be either bushy or vining. Bushy plants are more compact and take up less space, while vining plants need more room to spread out. 
  • The flavor. Cucumbers can have a variety of flavors, from mild to sweet to tangy. Some varieties are also known for their crunchy texture. 
  • The price. The price of cucumber seeds can vary depending on the variety, germination rate, and other factors. 

When choosing cucumber seeds online, it is important to read the description carefully to make sure you are getting the right variety for your needs. You should also consider the growing conditions in your area and the price of the seeds. 

Here are some additional tips for buying cucumber seeds online: 

  • Read reviews from other customers. This can help you get an idea of the quality of the seeds and the germination rate. 
  • Buy from a reputable seller. There are many reputable sellers of cucumber seeds online. Do some research to find a seller that you trust. 
  • Order early. It can sell out quickly, so it is a good idea to order them early. 

When choosing cucumber seeds online, it is important to consider the following factors: 

  • Variety: There are many different varieties of cucumber seeds available, each with its own unique characteristics. Some factors to consider when choosing a variety include size, flavor, and growing season. 
  • Germination rate: The germination rate is the percentage of seeds that will sprout and grow into plants. It is important to choose seeds with a high germination rate to ensure that you have a successful harvest. 
  • Quality: It is important to choose seeds from a reputable retailer that sells high-quality seeds.

Once you have chosen cucumber seeds online, be sure to follow the instructions on the seed packet carefully to ensure that you have a successful germination and harvest. 

Here are some additional tips for buying cucumber seeds online: 

  • Read reviews from other customers before making a purchase. 
  • Compare prices from different retailers. 
  • Look for discounts and promotions. 
  • Consider buying in bulk to save money. 

With a little planning, you can easily buy cucumber seeds online and grow your own delicious cucumbers at home. 


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